Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Money and Time Better Spent, Perhaps?

I posted an article on G+ which really made me think about what we do as atheits and how others may see us. This article being one of those things about burning bible pages. Is this really going to make ANY difference? Doesn't it just make us look just as stupid and intolerant as they are?
Brings me back to being a treenager and how the christians went crazy burning rock n roll albums and books they didn't see fit, and I remember laughing at that and thinking, how petty, what does this do?Made the teenagers want these albums and books even more.
Are we also destroying literature? Hey, it may not be good literature, but it is defintely part of history, LoL, so much so, that look at how we all fight about who's right.
The thousands of dollars spent on bus ads and billboards and conventions that pretty much just attract other atheist and nutjob protestors....   all this money!!!  I am sure many of you have gone to TAM and have had a great time (I can't afford it, so I have never been, don't think I'd bother if I could)...   But I have seen the price tag...   really? Why? To get a picture with Randy, Penn, Pz Myers?  (I have a picture with Matt Dillahunty at the one and only convention I have ever been to, it was free, I volunteered in order to attend) VERY glad I did not pay the $145.00 (per person) for the two day event, so NOT worth it,  I would have been very upset if I had spent that money just to hear people talk about the obvious and things I already knew.
Maybe it's just me, and I "don't get it", whatever.
I would like to see these big names on humanitarian causes and issues... and I am sure they give money to these causes as well (?) But it's the fights about billboards and bus signs that we stand out for.
I am proud when we stand for the seperation of church and state, I am proud when I hear the occasaionl story of an atheist who did something heroic...  but they are so few in comparison to the nonsense I have to read about how we are burning bible pages,  yeehaw!!!
Fuck it all. Do we as atheists have OUR priorities straight? Or are we just acting like they act only the opposite..  confusing, I know, but think about it.

Originally posted on Posterous at 3:51 pm on Fri, Sep 16, 2011

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