Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The REAL Marijuana

By REAL, I mean not the "Reefer Madness" weed,  but the real thing, the truth.  Let's face it, even if you don't admit it or don't smoke any more or whatever...  Us, the smokers, know that weed is not bad for you. It many ways it's even healthy. I'm not gonna list the medicinal uses for Marijuana, cuz you can just Google it =D
I posted this link earlier on Facebook and someone brought up the point of closet smokers.
Now of course we know why there are a lot of "closet" smokers.  Same reason there are closet homosexuals and atheist, people are afraid to come out becasue of what friends and family might say or think, repercussions at work, and of course with Marijuana there is the legality issue.  Which really is the only thing bad about Marijuana, it's that it's illegal, and there are thousands of pot smokers in prison.  And who did they hurt?  Oh yeah,  no one.

Now I am only talking about people who are just pot smokers. For example, I do not do drugs, or use alcohol ('cept for the occasional beer), and I don't smoke cigarettes. By choice. Not because someone told me not to. There is PROOF that cigarettes and alcohol are the leading causes of death per year. Tobacco is #1 and alcohol is closely behind at #3. You know how many reports of Marijuana caused deaths there are, ever, NONE!  ZERO!
Yet,  this is the drug most tested for in the US,  because it stays in your system longer.  So you could Meth up a few days before and test negative for that fucked up drug (I have personally seen what that shit does to people), and bam,  you got the job. But if you are intelligent, literate, knowledgeable and skilled in what you are applying for but test positive for THC,  you're fucked. Now isn't that not only silly and a total violation of my privacy, but also a HUGE waste of money and time and man power. I'm ok with testing,  but only if there is a reason to. Not just cuz.
OK,  here goes guys,  seriously,  I took my first puff at 13. I didn't become a regular smoker till I was like 18, when I was no longer in my house and in fear of getting busted by my parents.  And besides the times that I was pregnant and breast feeding, not because I think it's harmful, but because I'm not gonna force anyone, including my unborn child, to partake in something that they have not consented to.  But, after my kids were born and they were all weened, I started smoking again, and I have been smoking ever since!
I am an honest, thoughtful, good person.  Ask anyone who really knows me.  I have held down a job since I was 16. I raised my kids, although not perfect, not too bad.  If you know my kids,  you know what I mean. I've paid taxes, gone camping, gone to amusement parks, cook, love, share, talk to people, write, draw, make love, been to concerts, raised my kids, clean house,  have a life...  all while still being a "pothead". See,  I don't really give a rats ass what anyone thinks of me. I KNOW who I am am, Kreg knows who I am, my kids know who I am, and that is all that matters to me. Sorry the rest of you =D Although I am careful and I don't advertise being a pothead or an atheist boldly on any shirt, not in Iowa anyway, in Cali, no one cares. People are more accepting because they are so used of having to live in a varied environment, so it's live and let live. Awesome Beatles song, but also a great motto to live by.I just don't like people all up in my business. If I am harming no one and I am partaking in the events of this society (taxes, work, etc), well,  then WTF, why should anyone care what I do on my own time in my own life.  It's none of your business.  Go worry about the real drug issues. Prescription drugs are what people are addicted to, there is no addiction in Marijuana.  You don't go crazy or have withdrawals at anytime you might want to or have to stop smoking.  You miss it,  but your body does not go through a physical withdrawal..  no addiction, no harm, no crime.... Worry about the real criminals, the child molesters, rapists, wife beaters, etc...   You catch my drift...
Let's hit real quick on the subject of Marijuana being a "gateway drug". Now that's just silly!!  Do alcohol and cigarettes make you wanna try Heroine? No..  it doesn't (and those two things are definitely drugs, they both poison your system!). What makes people try other drugs is a few things,  some want to experiment, curiosity...  I did,  I just didn't wanna be an addict, so I tried, better never stayed.  I don't experiment anymore, cuz been there done that, and I only like my pot =D 
Marijuana appears to be a gateway drug because it is criminalized. So your kid's pot dealer, knowing he can make even more money says to your kid, "Hey man,  I have your weed, but I also got some meth,  wanna check it out?" And your curious kid does.  Figures, fukkit, they lied to me about weed,  what says they are not lying about Meth.  Well, we all know that the reason they are not lying about Meth is because there are tests that prove that meth is addictive and it deteriorates you. Same goes for any other chemical drugs, etc. That's why it's a gateway drug. There is nothing physically in Marijuana that makes say, "Oh shit,  I need Meth now!" That's on you! That's YOUR decision, not anything weed did.  Some people are just prone to be addicts. You see it around you all the time. There are those who can handle their liquor and go and have a drink or two, once in awhile, a glass of wine at night, whatever..  Then you see those who drink till they are stumbling, blithering idiots...  and funny thing is, that a lot of these alcoholics think Marijuana is bad.  It's just fucn laughable!!
Wake up people!  Be aware, be informed, be knowledgeable!  Don't just think something is so cuz you read ONE thing about it or because someone else told you it was so.  Do you're own research,  find out for yourself, talk to people who smoke, find out how they are. This doesn't mean that EVERY pothead is a winner..  Just like it doesn't mean that everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. Cigarette smokers,  screw you!  YOu guys have NO excuse. Smoking is bad and can potentially kill you. Those are the facts! But I don't think it should be illegal, cuz I support the right to ingest whatever the fuck I want,  It's MY body. I pretty much feel the same about religion, get informed, don't just take what someone tells you as fact. If you have REALLY read the bible, you'd be appalled at how violent it is,  but we let, and insist kids read it. That's pretty sick. (Sorry, off subject)  =D
If parents were more knowledgeable and truly informed about Marijuana, they can then inform their kids, tell them the truth, and at the same time, tell them about other drugs.  We have Google people,  there is nothing you can't find on here.  I just ask that when you do something like that you look at the sources that you are using.  Not all are credible or true. Look for several articles. You will notice that if you read pretty much anything by a religious person on the subject of Marijuana, they will be against it..  Not sure why,  maybe cuz it's illegal, because they have no other reason to hate it so much. After all,  their god made the goddamn thing, and then told them to enjoy of the fruits and plants! *shrug* (off subject, again) =D
So whether your in or out of that closet,  smoke on fellow pothead.  I hope to one day see an America that embraces Marijuana and ALL it's uses and stops lying to the people.
And people,  inform yourself,  just cuz some guy on a pulpit tells you it's so,  you are really just blind until you do the research and find the information for yourself.  Stop being lazy and get informed!!
\/ peace&love <3

Originally posted on Posterous at 11:03 am on Tue, May 11, 2010

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