Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Religion is Better Than Yours! =P

LoL..  OK,  Earlier today, I was having a comical argument with Kreg on which was more correct,  the religion I grew up in (Evangelical) or his (Catholic).  Should have recorded the conversation. Would have been good Family Guy script!

In 'my' religion you just had to accept Jesus in to your heart as your personal savior, then live the horror that is the Evangelical church and it's crazy lies and "faith" in magic (only they call them miracles).
  In 'his' religion you had to go through some regimen as a kid and give your life to the catholic church, then confess all the time to some guy in a gown who claims he has the ok from god to forgive you, then suffer the rest of your life trying to live a good catholic life that you WILL never achieve cuz you can sin with you mind (this was true of 'my' religion too), so as a catholic young boy, fukkit, you are ALWAYS sinning.
Things "our" religions have in common:
- Sinning with your mind
- Masturbation is a big NO NO (You KNOW they are always sinning on this one)
- Sex outside of marriage, sin
- Blasphemy (I am WAY fuct on this one!)
- Catholics think all non-Catholics are not heaven bound, Christians think that all non-Christians are going to hell         (Especially the Catholics, because they are idol worshipers!)
- A life of guilt and servitude is required, and your money, they need your money too!
- And of course I am sure there are quite a few other obvious thing, like prayer, non-taxable organization, lying...etc.

- Catholics go to a priest to confess their sins and be forgiven.  
*Christians say fuck the middle man and go straight to the big guy himself
- Catholics baptize babies because of "original sin", pretty fuct up, since you are condemned from birth. 
*Christians wait till the child is of "age of reason" (reason in the church LOL), then they very strongly encourage you towards baptism, since it is also a "choice" to make, you go through some bullshit class where they of course, lie to you, scare you with hell to "encourage" you to do it.  
-Catholics pray to a bunch of different saints. 
*Christians pray to god ONLY and think that Catholics are idol worshipers because they are praying to statues of people they have idolize.
-Catholics sermons are usually read in monotone voice, and there is a lot of repeating junk back and there is a lot of kneeling, sitting, standing, over and over. 
*Christians are more "charismatic", they dance in the holy spirit, sing in the holy spirit and talk in tongues, (these means they babble a bunch of nonsense and noises from their mouths and say that it is god talking through them.) I know, cuckoo!
-Catholics can drink and smoke (and apparently those higher up in the church can also rape little boys). 
*Christians condemn you for drinking or smoking...  Your body is the temple of god,  so tattoos are out too.
-Catholics drink real wine and have cool little wafers for communion, which they do every Sunday. Some also think that the wafer actually turns into the body of christ and the wine into blood when you ingest it,  Eeewwwwww!! 
*Christians have communion on special occasions, such as easter, and, in my church every last Sunday of the month *shrug* I don't know why. Christians also use grape juice (cuz of the whole drinking thing. Guess it was ok for their lord and savior to booze it up,  but not ok for the general public), and the 'wafer' is usually a piece of cracker, like a piece of unsalted Saltine crackers. They also think that this 'body' and 'blood' of christ is a symbolic gesture, they don't think it really turns in ti skin and blood...  again... Eeeewwwww!    
-Catholics have priests who wear expensive Liberace approved gowns with ornate large silly hats, that I am sure have been paid for by people's offerings and tithing. 
*Christians have pastors, ministers and evangelist who wear expensive  Armani suits and drive expensive cars, also paid for by the offerings and tithing's of their less fortunate congregation.  
-Catholics get away with child molesting and I'm assuming other crimes, cuz child molesting is a pretty big one, so other crimes must seem much more less important, but here's a list
*Christians have child molesters too, and clergy who also turn out to be gay (Ted Haggard), drug users (Ted Haggard), prostitute seeking pervs, and a nuerous of other crimes, here's another list.  
-Catholics have Episcopalians (Catholic light). 
*Christians have Unitarians (Christian Light) 
All religions have their differences, and everyone part of that particular religion thinks their interpretations and rituals are the right ones. Muslims take it a lot further than most religions, as do the Westboro Baptist Church nuts (Not even the "regular" Christians like them). 
But let's face it. They are they are reading same bible YOU are reading and taking it much more literal than the everyday Christian who just pick and choose what applies to them. Thus the term Smörgåsbord Christians was created =D 
If Christians/Catholics believe in the Bible, then they have to believe the WHOLE thing! You can't say parts apply and others don't, because who the hell determines that, plus, it's either true, or it's not?
Make a choice!
Make an EDUCATED choice about your believes and question everything! Don't just believe what some guy (or woman) is telling you just becasue they claim it comes from god,  there is a word for those kind of people, GULLIBLE.
All you Christians and Catholics out there, read your Bible, and not just the pretty Psalms and the obvious messages of people and helping eathoer out, read it all and see how violent and degenerate it is. Then maybe you'll think twice about letting your little kids read that filth. Here is a little video about marriage to illustrate what I mean about having to use all in the bible or nothing. Doesn't it seem just a bit silly?
Come on America!  We can overcome this huge bump in the road with some education (outside the Bible), reasoning and just pure logic. Break those chains that bind you, and you will feel truly free!
\/ peace&love <3 in a godless world

Originally posted on Posterous at 11:03 am on Thu, May 13, 2010

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