Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It Is Ever Too Late

Here’s the thing. Everyone has heard the saying “It’s never too late!”
Well, that’s a lie.
It is ever too late, eventually. For whatever reason, age, money, situation, health, etc... But, the fact is that eventually, it is too late.
How grim, huh? But here’s another saying, “Sometimes the truth hurts”, and boy, ain’t that the truth!
As I am getting older, I been doing A LOT of reflecting, and that’s when that thought hit me, it is eventually too late. It’s too late to start a new career, it’s too late to find the love of your life, it’s too late to go to all those places you wanted to travel to, that dream you had, is no longer obtainable. Is there a solution to this dilemma? I don't know, I haven't gotten that far yet. I’m still trying to figure out if ANY of the things I want in life are obtainable any more, and I have not yet come up with an answer, or a solution, depending on how you want to look at the issue.
I do have some old boring advice for those of you still young enough, still strong and healthy and who can still obtain a dream. Simple things that can help you avoid a lot of heartaches and disappointments later in life. Life is not always going to be great, but if you start out in the right direction the younger you are, the better. Once you’re on your own and are thinking, “This is great, now I can do whatever I want”, but all you end up doing is wasting a lot of time getting drunk, partying too much, and just being lazy and doing nothing at all, this is a sure way of never ever getting anywhere.  My advice is for both male and female.
Once you’re on your own, you have to start planning, not for the next weekend, but for your entire life. Yup, that early. There are so many factors and situations are different, so obviously, some of you are going to have to work harder than others, but it will be worth it!
After you have made a life plan, what you want to do, (do what you love if at all possible, this will be half the effort right there), you can then set obtainable goals. Think in 5 year increments. From the point that you start planning, think of where you want to be and what you want to be doing in those 5 years, then every 5 years reassess your situation and set another goal. Don’t get distracted!!  Have fun! By all means, have fun. Life without fun is no life at all! But don’t let that fun take away from your main goals. Learn to optimize your time, learn this early!!
Never take your eye off the mark. There will be bumps on the road. Jobs will come and go, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, and your will WILL be tested. But keep your eye on that goal. It’s a lot of work! But work is so much easier when you are young and alert and still have that drive and desire. 
DON’T let another person run your life. Run your own life, say no when you have to, don't be afraid to say no!! The more in charge you are of your own life, the more free and in control you will be and feel. People are a huge distraction. Make time for friends and family, but keep the number one goal (yourself) first! Keep reassessing your life. If there are things you don't like or want, change them now, it gets harder to change those things as you get older, sometimes it’s just impossible.
Fall in love with someone who only has eyes for you. This is an important thing, pay attention! If you choose someone you want to spend your entire life, choose carefully, go slow. Get to know this person to make sure this is someone you want to see everyday. Don’t settle.  It is best to be alone than to be with someone and be miserable. Make sure you talk about all the important things before making that last final commitment. Kids, how you are going to raise them, religion (or lack thereof one would hope), talk about sex, talk about growing old together and what you want from each other, cuz guess what kids, the honeymoon does not last forever, and those first 3 years are a doozy! Remember you are not perfect, so do not expect perfection from the other person. One learns to deal with or even love those little annoying things sometimes.
It is ever too late. One day it will be too late. And when it is and you haven’t accomplished anything you thought you would in life, you will be sad about it and you will be wondering where the time went and you’ll want to go back and do it over again, but you can’t, because it is ever too late.

\/ peace&love <3 in a godless world
And thank you for listening ~

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