Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My First Atheist Bashing

Well, it finally happened. I thought it would probably and eventually happen, especially here. Small town, religious zealots, all around "god is in my heart", kinda people. So, it happened.
I work at a local restaurant where we, (husband and I), made the decision to not let an employee return after bouts of insubordination and not showing up for work. Sounds cut and dry. You don't perform the job I pay you for, you don't work here anymore.
Nope. Not in this case.
Few days later I get ex-employee, mom and grandma all in my restaurant wanting apologies and explanations and demanding that they get them right now!
So, the husband and I, trying to do the right thing, try talking to them and explain to them why their precious little 22 year old daughter does not work for us anymore...
Then started the insults a'flyin'.
I was called a "black hearted evil bitch". These god fearing, god loving, love your neighbor kinda people were sitting in my place of business shouting insults at us. Telling us we were going to hell. Telling us we were liars and that we had no morals because we didn't believe in god, yadda yadda... I'm sure other atheists who have gone through this know the insults we hear. Just like we know all the ways that religious people TRY to rationalize with us why they believe and why they are right and we are wrong.
Nice christian family my ass!
I would have NEVER done this! I too have a 23 year old daughter, as well as two grown sons. I taught my kids that there were consequences for their actions. I would have never gone into a public place like that and have caused a scene and use profanity, (not that I don't, I do, all the time, just know when to control myself). What lesson is this that you teach your child. Shame on them! Hypochristians!
Perhaps it was my fault for being so open about my atheism. But so be it! I am not staying quiet about how I feel, and I will continue to mock religion and their silly believes. Why should I hide my thoughts when they are constantly bombarding me with literature and bible knowledge and just plain down nonsense!
I am just really sick of this way of thinking. It's so archaic and backwards and just plain cruel.
What a wonderful thing to be in control of ones own thoughts and have control of our lives.
It's liberating and, dare I say, almost spiritual :)
Peace&love. Thanks for listening.

Originally posted on Posterous at 11:56 pm on Wed, Jun 17, 2009

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