Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To be or not to be.... a militant atheist

I don't like the term "militant atheist". To me it's equivalent to "fanatical Christians". Now I don't like a lot of Christians, but of course there are some that are nice and live a quiet and decent life, they believe in nonsense, but that just makes them nice plus ignorant. A militant atheist to me conjures images of some person going around burning churches. I don't think that is an image I want to portray as an atheist. I think most atheists are peaceful and loving and enjoy life to it's fullest. I started to think about militant atheists because of a local church here in my pathetic little town. It so happens to be the catholic church where my husband grew up and his parents and 2 of his siblings still attend. They had to rebuild another church because some atheist loony burned it down in 1995. See, now that to me has "militant atheist" written all over it. That just makes the rest of us peaceful atheists seem like hateful, church burning crazies. I hate that! I have on many occasion refered to myself as a "hard core atheist", implying that I am SURE! There are no questions in my mind about the existence of god(s) or devils, angels, ghosts, etc... You get the picture. I would never use the term militant atheist to describe myself. I think as atheists we should behave accordingly. We are intelligent, rational, logical people who can reason with words, not violence. Debate is usually a welcome forum for both sides, since both sides want to be heard. Violence just gives them ammo to say "See, they are hateful violent, no morals people!" And really, aren't we trying to get away from that? Peace&Love ~ Thank you for listening!

Originally posted on Posterous  at 11:42 pm on Wed, Jun 17, 2009

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